Katie Kibbe

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3 Things to Remember When Your Inner Critic Calls

Gathering around the table and in front of groups large and small, I am consistently impressed with the strength hidden inside women. Listening to stories of heroic sacrifices from mothers, sisters, and friends stirs something deep in my soul. We set aside our needs for the ones we love instead of seeking recognition or fame. Affirmation is rarely on our menu. More often than not, our sacrifices are unknown to anyone but ourselves. 

We’ve got a Kingdom to build

one act of love at a time &

you are just the woman God created

for such a time as this.

I hope you experience plenty of days when your strength feels limitless and your sacrifices are effortless. The days when your Inner Cheerleader is at her best and you can hear that voice above all the others. 

There are days when this is not the case.

Like many of you, I feel like my Inner Critic crashes the party from out of nowhere. That voice of negativity grabs the microphone and begins spouting foolishness which is hard to ignore. The phrases start with lots of “you never” and “it will always” statements. The volume cranks up and phrases roll along on repeat. I am easily convinced of the many ways I don’t measure up to an idea of perfection crafted in the imagination of a young girl.

It takes energy not to pay attention to the negativity. Allowing the Inner Critic to remain on stage for too long saps my strength.

When I am overtired, undernourished, and weak, it is difficult to plug the ears of my soul and focus on the truth.

Are you in a spot where you need a reminder of your goodness and strength?

I’ve got you covered. 

  1. You are lovely. 

Looking in the mirror, this can be hard to remember. Our reflections do not tell our entire story, nor should we expect the mirror to do such heavy lifting. You were created in love, by Love, for a purpose.

God deposited a particular beauty within you that only you can reveal to this world. 

Your soul magnifies the love of Jesus. Your smile outshines whatever it is that threatens to steal your joy. 

Do not be distracted by the finite on the outside when the Infinite resides within. 

2. Your work matters. 

The unseen and unnoticed of every day can feel pointless. It is easy to fall into discouragement and think that the little things are a waste of time. This thankless work, while not noteworthy, contributes to making life better for others. Every prayer said, dish washed, tear dried, email answered, and shirt folded matters.

The quantity of output is not measured but the quality of the heart with which it is offered is what counts.

Your heart is beautiful.

What you do in the messy middle adds to Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice and redemptive work. This may seem far fetched, but it is true. He takes our sacrifices and expands His Kingdom. I can’t explain exactly how He does this, but I believe this with all my heart. 

Keep going. Your work might feel like a waste of time, but nothing is wasted in God’s economy. He makes use of everything for good when we offer it to Him. 

3. Struggles and pain are not a punishment but a path.

In my imagination, life should be perfect and pain-free. When this is not the reality I experience, I struggle to adjust. 

There are days when my emotions try to convince me that I am alone, no-one cares, and God has abandoned me. My Inner Critic says that what is happening to me is God’s way of punishing me for my mistakes or past sins. 

I am learning that my emotions do not reveal the truth of Who God is. His faithfulness, mercy, and love are not always at the forefront of my mind, but that does not change His identity. 

Looking at pain as a teacher rather than a disciplinarian has helped me make peace with the imperfectness of life. Struggles are an invitation and an opportunity to cling to Jesus. When you are in the middle of the pain this often feels like the last thing you want to do. I hope you do it anyway.

I would love to hear the good words of your Inner Cheerleader. Share them in the comments below.