Katie Kibbe

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Establish a Routine

Thick fog blanketed the lake this morning making it nearly impossible to see the trees on the other side of our cove. Looking out at this landscape for two years now, I know the trees remain firmly rooted in the soil. But, the veil of fog distorts my vision leaving me wondering what the herons and ducks are doing over there. 

Uncertainty makes the days feel foggy.

Our current circumstances feel equally as murky and unsettling. The dentist called to cancel the appointment for a cleaning. I am certain my hair appointment is going to be the next victim of the pandemic.

Yes, these losses are superficial in light of the graduations, proms, jobs, internships, and vacations sacrificed by others. But, the battle of the roots is real, friends. You know this if you have ever been blonde or are currently fighting a losing battle against the grey.

We can’t let the concern about the status of our roots distract us from sitting with uncertainty so that we can move past our feelings of worry and live a life that is not dictated by fear.

photo courtesy unsplash and phillip belena

Resist the temptation to stick with the status quo.

Sometimes, I find it easier to distract myself with worry over what I can’t change. For years, I lived smack dab in the middle of uncertainty. Worry was a constant companion.

My husband’s career requires that we move. I have no control over where and when that might be. So far we have lived in seven different zip codes. Each time I move, my only friend is my real estate agent.

For the past twenty years, the possibility that we would relocate hovered in the background of my consciousness. Each time I unpacked boxes, I never knew quite how long we would live in a home or where we would go next.

The only thing that was certain was that we would move again.

Uncertainty and anxiety often go hand in hand.

I share my moving story because I feel like we have more uncertainty than certainty about what is going to happen in the coming months. We can feel hopeless and helpless in the face of such rapid change. I know right where you are.

When what you counted on is taken away, establishing a new routine helps you move forward. 

Our new normal looks like a lot of together time with the people we love.

As my family fills my hours with their needs, it is tempting to allow them to draft the agenda of my entire day.

It can feel easier to go along with the way we have always done things. I can fall into a routine of cooking, cleaning, laundry, and supervising entertainment for everyone. None of these are bad things. But, the outcome of this habit of drifting will eventually result in my feeling like a victim and a martyr. 


I can choose to create a schedule that protects the routines which nurture my mind, body, and soul. 

Routine for your body, mind, and soul. 

Doing something in a similar way each day is grounding and allows me to love open heartedly.

Filled and at peace, I am able to serve my family rather than act out of an attempt to manipulate them into good behavior. (The lessons from Arise serve us well in our quarantine.)


For Christmas, I invested in a new skincare routine that involves a number of steps. It felt like a splurge at the time. I actually had to write the process down and keep the list next to my sink. Morning and night, the routine became easier until I could throw my list away. I love using these products and I feel better knowing I am doing something to take care of myself twice a day. 


Taking care of my mind looks like being intentional about reading books written by experts in areas I want to grow in the coming days and months. These women and men are experts in their field and challenge me to try new things, look at the world in a new way, or encourage me that I am on the right path. I also limit the amount of news I consume so that my mind is clear to ponder.


My soul care routine is grounded in a prayer journaling process I created that involves the Magnificat (or bible), sparkling gel pens, and a notebook. 

These routines help lift the fog and remind me that I am rooted and grounded despite the news of the day.

What new routine do you need to establish in this time of uncertainty? 

If you need help discerning the what and how of establishing routines for your mind, body, and soul, I have a limited number of video coaching spots available. I would love to work with you to help you restore a sense of peace to your life.