Katie Kibbe

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Filling Your Empty Calendar

When life is uncertain, it is tempting to try to wrestle other people into submission. This is not a life-giving strategy when we must remain with them in close quarters. This virus has me rethinking how I spend my time when it feels like there are no adults in the room.*

Moving forced me to recreate my schedule in much the same way as being quarantined.

There was a crew here when the truck unloaded all of our worldly belongings. The same guys who carefully wrapped each item in Atlanta stacked the boxes in every available space around the new house. My husband, children, and some of their friends wielded box cutters, papered shelves, and organized our belongings into the new space. It was crazy, chaotic, and exhausting. 

Then, the children went back to school. My husband went to Asia for ten days. I stayed home with the dog.

photo courtesy unsplash @freshhconnection

Our unexpected hiatus creates space for us to dedicate more attention to soul-nourishing activities. 

Moving from the middle of a big city to a rural lakefront home, I knew things would be different. I guessed that I would be isolated. What I did not anticipate was the impact the empty blocks on my calendar would have on me. 

I can still hear my friend Cindy’s words, “You are going to learn something that we need to know.” As with many life lessons, wisdom did not arrive without a struggle. 

“No More Events”

If you woke up this morning and saw the “No More Events” alert on your watch or phone—you may have experienced a little sense of dread. We are used to being busy and enjoy knowing our plans for the coming days, weeks, and months. Empty blocks feel like an empty life.

If you are struggling in your new normal, I am here to help you get unstuck.

You can thrive in the midst of your current situation.

It just takes a little bit of intention.

With more people at home and everything canceled, you might be tempted to treat your new normal as a mini-vacation and throw all schedules out the window. But, years of moving tells me this will not have a positive long-term impact on your Mind, Body, or Soul. 

No plan means I get flabby, over-sugared, and short-tempered. None of these are good for my fellow quarantiners.

This week, I have been looking at my routines. Each time we move, I try to establish a new routine as soon as possible.

Creating a structure means fewer decisions. This is grounding and helps us experience more peace in the midst of the unknown. 

The uncertainty that accompanies a lack of purpose invites anxiety. 

Routine helps you remain present rather than worrying about things you cannot control. Before you create a routine, you need to decide what activities to include. 

Rather than approaching each new day with dread, think of your calendar as a blank canvas upon which to create your masterpiece.

You have the opportunity to compose a schedule where your body feels strong, your mind awake, and your soul on fire. 

To discern what nourishes you, grab a notebook and a glitter pen. (This can be done without a glitter pen, but it is more fun in sparkly color.)

Five Steps to Discover What Nourishes Your Mind, Body, & Soul.


  1. List.

    Make a list of things you can do in your current situation that nourish you in Mind, Body, and Soul. Create three columns and write as many things as you can think of under each heading.

  2. Ask.

    “What do I need to keep my mind healthy?” Is it meaningful work, learning something new, conversations with a friend, watching uplifting Youtube videos? 

  3. More lists.

    Create the same list for your body and your soul. 

  4. Review and Dream.

    Look at your lists. Circle the top three actions in each category that you want to include in your new routine. 

  5. Plan.

    Now make a new list of these nine activities. This list will be the framework around which you can organize your day as you begin to set your schedule. 

I can’t wait to hear what you include on your list. 

*As I write this, we are fortunate to have the luxury to ponder what to include in our schedules. There are many who are pondering what life will be like as they move forward without the victims of this virus in their daily lives. Please join me in praying for the victims (both physical and economic), their families, and all who are on the front lines of protecting us from this pandemic.

Dear Jesus, please help us. I am afraid of the impact of this pandemic. Nourish me in mind, body, and soul so that I may love the person right in front of me. Watch over, protect, and heal all who are exposed to this virus. Bring peace and wisdom to each person who makes decisions, which impact our health and safety. Protect those most vulnerable both physically and economically. Bring a hedge of protection around all who are on the frontlines as we battle this virus including doctors, nurses, technicians, janitors, and the people sewing and manufacturing N-95 masks. Allow for there to be as many beds, ventilators, and protective equipment as are needed. We know that you are loving, merciful, and in control.
