Pray What You Ponder PDF

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Pray What You Ponder PDF

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You made a commitment to yourself to set aside more time to pray. All your books and materials are stacked neatly in your designated prayer spot. Yet, you struggle to actually sit down and pray.

When you are able to sit down, your mind wanders to your worries and you are easily distracted, which is discouraging.

I used to be right where you are until I found a solution. Now, I am more comfortable in prayer and have a better understanding of God’s Word. Abiding with Jesus in prayer has improved my relationships.

Prayer Journaling made a huge difference for me.

You do not have to reinvent the wheel. I have shared what I know in this PDF- Pray What You Ponder.

In as little as 15 minutes a day, you can create a new habit that will nourish your soul and improve your health.