Looking For What Sparkles

Writing with glitter makes me happy.

I should be a little timid about sharing my undying love for things that sparkle. Glitter is not something we often talk about as adults. But I have spoken so often of my love for glitter pens that I can no longer hide my appreciation for the color and shine which they bring to an otherwise lifeless page.

Most mornings, you can find me at my kitchen table surrounded by piles of notebooks, a bible, a burning candle, and my collection of writing instruments. As I pray, you will not be surprised to learn that I like to gather my thoughts on paper. Often I copy Scripture, word by word, onto a empty sheet of my notebook and then try to figure out what these words mean for me, today.

What better way to collect the stray threads of a memory and weave them into a tapestry than to use a glitter gel pen as a needle to guide the letters across the page?

In looking back over the days, weeks, and months of mornings—my favorite pages in my notebooks are the ones with glitter shimmering off the page. How could you not love reading the Psalms in shining color? It is as though the Holy Spirit left a remnant of love behind to remind me that He is still here even after my attention has drifted to the next thing on my to-do list.

photo courtesy unsplash @aaronburden.

photo courtesy unsplash @aaronburden.

There are moments in my day which sparkle as well. It might be a conversation where a word or phrase catches my imagination. A song stirs something deep inside which stops me in my tracks and calls me to truly listen. A moment of vulnerability which causes me to catch my breath. Or a split second when my eye locks with another and she acknowledges— I see you and value you.

We each have things which sparkle in our day. It might be the laughter of a child which calls to mind the joy of heaven. Maybe it’s the hand that reaches out to grasp your fingers unexpectedly. Or, as you clean out a drawer you discover an art project created by the child who currently pushes every last one of your buttons. These sparkly moments are not an accident.

The Holy Spirit wants to reveal God’s unfailing love to you.

He moves and works in our daily lives and it is up to us to pay attention to what is sparkling and find Him in the middle of the mundane.

What is sparkling for you?

Has there been a conversation which captured your attention? Maybe it was something you read. Don’t brush this aside and think it is nothing. Ponder what sparkles…this is how the Holy Spirit grabs our attention. What does He want to say to you?

I’d love to know what is sparkling in your life. Let me know in the comments.