Emily P. Freeman

What’s Your Next Right Thing?

The Next Right Thing landed in my mailbox yesterday. All day I waited patiently so I could start marking up the pages. When the moment finally came for me to open the box, it was almost like my birthday. I hope I don’t sound like I am going overboard, but y’all, this book is that fantastic.

I heard back from so many of you who told me what a difference Emily’s online quiz made for you. If you aren’t quite sure if you use your head, heart, or gut to make a decision— hop on over here to find out. If the quiz helped, can you imagine what pages of her wisdom will do?

Hop on over to the blog to see what surprise I have for you!

The Next Right Thing

There are times in our lives when we are able to make thoughtful, timely decisions and things seem to flow well. Unfortunately, life often seems to come at us at such a pace that decisions are hard to make. We expend time and energy agonizing over some decisions for so long that the opportunity passes and the decision is made for us. It is only after this happens that we regret not having made a decision. If you are living with one regret too many, if you are overwhelmed by the number of decisions that you are asked to make, know that you are in good company.

As Emily P. Freeman shares in her new book: The Next Right Thing, “Decisions shape our lives.” She goes on to add that, “what we often overlook is not only how our choices shape outcomes but how they shape us too. They reveal our character and help to create our character.”