
Is Your Prayer a Monologue or a Dialogue?

While there are a good number of days where all runs smoothly, sometimes it is just plain hard to get anything done. I hit snooze one too many times. I make it to the kitchen only to remember I used the last tea bag yesterday. Laundry never made it into the dryer, so now I have to wear my least favorite top all day. First world problems, I know.

Each “bad thing” layers on top of the other making it difficult to still myself. Instead of showing up to pray with all of my baggage, I let myself off the hook. Instead of offering up the lack of caffeine and the wardrobe challenge— I compensate with a treat. I tell myself that it will be ok, just today, to skip my morning prayer time so that I can stop and get a latte from the cute coffee shop nearby. Later in the day, I make time to pop into my favorite store for a wardrobe refresh to compensate for the frumpy I feel. I run fast to keep up with my jam-packed schedule and find a way to avoid the grocery store for just one more day. Knowing that I am setting myself up for another caffeine free morning, I plan, to go to sleep earlier tonight so I won’t need the tea in the morning. I skip exercise in favor of a relaxing glass of wine.